Town hall of Veldhoven: ground-breaking flooring

For the makeover of the town hall in Veldhoven, Mohawk Group carpet tiles were the clear choice: durable, acoustically comfortable, affordable and beautiful.

  • Location: Veldhoven (NL)
  • Sector: Office
  • Product Category: Carpet tiles
  • Surface: 4.545 m²

Ground-breaking flooring project at Dutch town hall

"To come up with a pleasant design that meets the functional requirements of the building." The municipal council of Veldhoven, the Netherlands clearly described their needs in their request for tender. Their wishes were granted: the floor covering of the town hall received a full makeover, thanks to Eliëns Interieur Projecten and Mohawk Group. Municipal officials continued to work throughout the installation, as the floor was literally pulled from underneath their feet. 

The project team of Eliëns Interieur Projecten topped the list of options following a public tender held by the local council. The call comprised the refurbishment of 6,000 m² of floor covering, including office spaces, a meeting room, the stairwell, the council hall, the wedding hall and an exhibition area.

Elegant and functional design

Eliëns knew exactly how to convince, thanks to the star quality of Mohawk Group LVT and carpet tiles. “The fresh appearance of Mohawk Group flooring solutions combined with their durability and strong acoustics made Mohawk Group the obvious choice for each of the rooms.”

“We decorated the centre of the council hall with a vibrant green carpet pattern, in line with the colour of the municipal logo. For the exhibition area where most of the dining festivities are held, Black Jack Oak vinyl tiles were the favoured option. They offer all the grandeur of a herringbone pattern and yet are still easy to clean”, says Will van Dijk, director of Eliëns."

“Black Jack Oak gives grandeur and elegance to the exhibition space while ensuring comfort and ease-of-use.

Will van Dijk, director of Eliëns Interieur Projecten

A versatile and colourful mix

To honour the ambience of the building, the team aligned the flooring with the existing materials, colours and furniture in the space. “Each floor, office space and functional room got its own signature colour. To achieve this, we used a mix of colours from the Art Exposure and Art Intervention collections: Adaptable, Trusted Guide, Academic View and Creative Spark”, Will van Dijk adds.

“That’s the beauty of the Mohawk Group Art collections: because the yarn in all the designs comes from their own yarn bank, the colours go well together. That makes it easy to combine different products within one project and really be creative.”

Even more in the works

The successful collaboration in Veldhoven already resulted in a follow-up project. This time, Eliëns will tackle the ground floor of the city hall. Yet again, Mohawk Group tiles were top of mind. According to Will van Dijk, “Mohawk Group guarantees a smooth partnership from start to finish. They provide their customers with the best price, quality, warranty and customer service.”

Carpet tile floor with a design chair

Mohawk Group

Mohawk Group EMEA

Industriëlaan 97a,
7700 Moeskroen
T. 056 59 03 11

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