Our environmental impact

As a manufacturing company, our activities and our products have a direct and indirect impact on local and global environmental issues such as climate change, resource depletion and pollution. We want to be part of the solution by further reducing the use of fossil fuels in our operations and by reducing the lifecycle carbon footprint of our products by opting for more sustainable raw materials and further improving their recyclability.

To lower our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in a scientifically sound manner, we’ve measured our carbon footprint and set targets based on the 1.5°C pathways calculated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). To assure that our targets are effectively aligned with climate science and are ambitious enough, we are following the guidelines set by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). We publicly committed to SBTi in 2021 after an initial feasibility assessment.

Planet Home

Windmills on production site of carpet tiles 
Logo of circularity in sustainability approach


More renewable and recycled content in our products and packaging:

  • Improve the recyclability of our products and packaging
  • Striving for zero insulation waste to landfill

Logo of climate in sustainability approach


1.5°C science-based targets by 2030, compared to 2020: 

  • 42% CO2-eq. emissions from our operations (scope 1 & 2)* ›
  • 12.3% CO2-eq. emissions from our raw material sourcing and end-of-life products (scope 3)*

We have developed a clear strategy and targets for our Mohawk Group flooring solutions & manufacturing processes, contributing to the Unilin targets. As we are committed to aligning our sustainability practices with the Planet Home targets. Our dedication to environmental responsibility is demonstrated through various key iniitiatives that contribute to minimizing our ecological footprint.

1. Environmental Product Declaration (EPDs)

To comprehensively understand the impact of our products, we conduct rigorous Life Cycle Assessments (LCA). These assessments allow us to identify and mitigate potential environmental hotspots throughout the entire life cycle of our products, from raw material extraction to end-of-life.

To underline our commitment to transparency these LCA’s are transformed to EPD’s, which can be easily accessed and downloaded via the documents section on our website. By providing stakeholders, customers, and the public with detailed information on the environmental performance of our products, we guide them to make informed choices aligned with their sustainability goals. 

Brochure - EPD - Declaration of environmental product
Production site of carpet tiles

2. Eco-Design

Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our product development process. Through eco-design strategy, we prioritize the use of sustainable raw materials, ensuring that our products contribute to reducing resource depletion and lowering overall environmental impact.

Moreover by deployment of the latest technologies in our state-of-the-art plant, we are able to minimize raw material use without compromising our high level of quality and performance.

Embracing the circular economy, we incorporate recycled content into our products wherever feasible. This not only helps reduce the demand for virgin materials but also diverts waste  from landfills, contributing to a more sustainable and resource-efficient production cycle.

Our contribution to the Planet Home targets is also underlined by our emphasis on product circularity. We are steadfast in our goal to manufacturing products that are 100% recyclable at the end of their life cycle. 

3. Recover

ReCover. That is the name of our recovery, re-use and recycling programme for flooring waste. The programme recovers post-installation waste from all Mohawk Group collections, as well as post-consumer flooring waste from any manufacturer. ReCover is not only about recycling but also about re-use. This ensures that floors which are still usable are not recycled unnecessarily but given a new life after cleaning.

Palet of recovered materials to be used in production of carpet tiles
Labels for green building

4. Green building Labels

We partnered with an third party licensed assessment agency to determine our contributions to BREEAM, LEED, WELL, DGNB, and HQE. This is to provide maximum support to our customers in achieving their green building certification. Discover, through our sustainability datasheets, the specific credits or points where we can make a positive contribution for your project.

Carpet tile floor with a design chair

Mohawk Group

Mohawk Group EMEA

Industriëlaan 97a,
7700 Moeskroen
T. 056 59 03 11

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